
日期 06/02/2025 | 113學年度第二學期課程抵免申請 | 請參閱附件:113學年度第2學期課程抵免申請(公告) |
日期 06/02/2025
日期 06/02/2025 | 聯華電子 『2025年海內外暑期實習菁英計畫』現正招募中! | 2025聯電海內外暑期實習菁英計畫正式招募!想要在全球半導體產業的心臟地帶,提前掌握市場脈動嗎?想要享受國際工作環境,拓... |
日期 06/02/2025
聯華電子 『2025年海內外暑期實習菁英計畫』現正招募中!
技術研發 / 製程整合 / 製程 / 智慧製造 / 資訊 / 數據分析等
聯華電子 台灣廠(竹科 / 南科) 或 新加廠
立即點選報名網址投遞履歷 https://careers.umc.com/plan.php?mid=115
日期 05/02/2025 | 114學年度碩士班甄試第八梯次備取通知 (114.2.5公告) | (1)請參閱附件: 114碩甄-第8梯次備取(114.2.5通知)(2)報到相關表格請於系網站下載專區下載:https:... |
日期 05/02/2025
114學年度碩士班甄試第八梯次備取通知 (114.2.5公告)
(1)請參閱附件: 114碩甄-第8梯次備取(114.2.5通知)
日期 23/01/2025 | 113B博士班資格考申請 | 請參考附件:113(B)資格考申請表Ph.D. Qualified Examination Application Fo... |
日期 23/01/2025
日期 21/01/2025 | 114學年度陽明交大陸生在校生獎學金開放申請(至2024年3月15日中午12點截止) | 本獎學金限已入學並在本校就讀一學期以上之碩博士陸生正式生國立陽明交通大學陸生獎學金辦法申請日期:2025年1月15日至3... |
日期 21/01/2025
- 申請日期:2025年1月15日至3月15日中午12點(臺灣時間)
- 獎學金申請網址
- 本次為由線上獎學金申請系統送出,請點選申請網址後按右上方login並由學校單一入口帳號登入。僅接受由系統申請之學生獎學金申請件。
- 逾期不受理
- 申請繳交文件:(所有文件請繳交PDF檔案並上傳至申請系統)
- 申請表
- 歷年成績單(請繳交入學到113學年度第1學期之等第制成績單)
- 操行成績
- 指導教授或導師推薦信(請進入申請系統填寫)
- 其他有利審查文件
- 推薦信注意事項
- 推薦信繳交截止日同申請截止日2025年3月21日前(臺灣時間)。
- 如需繳交推薦信之同學,請填寫推薦人資料,推薦信格式不拘,推薦人可選擇由線上申請系統填寫或是上傳推薦信至系統。
- 獎學金申請件完成上傳後可先確認並送出,無需等候推薦信填寫完成後才送出申請件。
- 申請注意事項:
- 在校生前兩學期等第積分平均達3.76以上且每學期操行成績達甲等以上者,得提出申請獎學金。
- 操行成績申請方式:請由單一入口進入->陽明交通大學->校園服務->學務處資訊系統2.0-> 操行成績單,即可查詢,點選「匯出」即可下載及列印
交大校區: 謝竹絜小姐 (jessicahsieh@nycu.edu.tw)
陽明校區: 吳宜錚小姐 (trudy@nycu.edu.tw)
日期 16/01/2025 | 114學年度碩士班甄試第七梯次備取通知 (114.1.16公告) | (1)請參閱附件: 114碩甄-第7梯次備取(114.1.16通知)(2)報到相關表格請於系網站下載專區下載:https... |
日期 16/01/2025
114學年度碩士班甄試第七梯次備取通知 (114.1.16公告)
(1)請參閱附件: 114碩甄-第7梯次備取(114.1.16通知)
日期 15/01/2025 | 【Scholarship】NYCU International Students Scholarships for the 2025 Fall semester application (till 12:00 noon, March 15th, 2025) To: NYCU International Students Scholarships for the 2025 Fall semester (award period September 2025 – August 2026) are now OPEN for APPLICATION! | 1. Eligibility:For students whose NYCU Scholarship... |
日期 15/01/2025
【Scholarship】NYCU International Students Scholarships for the 2025 Fall semester application (till 12:00 noon, March 15th, 2025) To: NYCU International Students Scholarships for the 2025 Fall semester (award period September 2025 – August 2026) are now OPEN for APPLICATION!
1. Eligibility:
For students whose NYCU Scholarship award duration ends in August 2025 and maintain a total average grade of at least 3.5 for graduate students and at least 3.0 for undergraduate students.
The following situations are not eligible for the NYCU scholarship:
(1) Students currently receiving government-funded scholarships. For example, current NYCU scholarship recipients whose award duration includes the 2025 Fall semester, Taiwan Scholarships, ESP Scholarship, UST Scholarship, TIGP Scholarship, NSNT Scholarship, ICDF Scholarship, NYCU Elite Ph.D., a scholarship sponsored by the government of your home country…. etc.).
(2) Students holding a working VISA/ARC.
2. NYCU Scholarship Regulation (Latest version):
Please read the regulation carefully before applying for the NYCU scholarship.
3. NYCU International Student Scholarship Application System Link :
4. Application Duration: till 12:00 noon, March 15, 2025 (GMT+8)
We only accept the online application and please upload PDF files to the system.
Make sure to submit your application before the deadline.
Late submission will not be considered!
Please check the system and your mail regularly to confirm your application status.
If you are requested to resubmit any document, the email notice will be sent out from the system.
5. Type of Award
*The scholarships may be awarded separately or simultaneously.
(1) Monthly Stipend
*The number and the amount of the scholarships are flexibly adjusted based on budgetary considerations.
i. University stipend
ii. The match-funding from the college, department or advisor
(2) The tuition awards
i. Tuition waiver (full waiving of tuition and credit fees)
ii. Tuitions and credit fees charged according to the rates of local students.
(3) Tuition and credit fees of extended study students charged according as local students.
6. Required Documents for Application (Please upload PDF files only)
Document | Required / Optional | Note |
Declaration for Scholarship Application | Required for all applicants | An applicant's signature is required. |
NYCU full official transcript (Grade one) | Required for all applicants | 1. Apply for a full official transcript (Grade, no class ranking) |
Conduct Grades | Required for all applicants | 1. Please log in to your NYCU portal (https://portal.nycu.edu.tw/#/login?redirect=%2F) 2. Please find the “NYCU Campus”->"Campus Service"-> Student Affairs Information System -> Conduct Grade 3. Download the record of your conduct grades then upload the file to the scholarship application system. |
Research Report | Required for post-graduate students who are not taking courses or exceeding the max. award period | 1-2 page (12pt, single-spaced) |
The Chinese language waived certificate | Optional | You can submit one of the following documents: |
Supplementary materials | Optional | You can upload the documents which may be helpful for your application. |
5.1 Recommendation Letter (Submit deadline – March 21, 2025, at 23:59):
Required for post-graduate students who are not taking courses or students who belong to the reduction type.
(1) Please remember to inform the referee first.
(2) Fill out the Recommender Info section on the system.
(3) The notification will be sent to the advisor/referee from the system.
Ø There are 2 ways for recommender to submit the recommendation letter.
i. Fill out the letter on the system
ii. Upload the scanned letter to the system
Ø If the recommender didn’t receive the system mail,
i. Check the spam folder
ii. Email to the scholarship team to provide the template and submit the hardcopy to the OIA office.
*You can submit the application before the recommendation letter is completed. *
6. Important Notes
(1) The scholarship result will be announced by email to applicants in late June, 2025.
(2) OIAwill check your documents after your submission.
OIA will send notices to applicants if your application is not completed. You are not able to revise your application after submission. Your application won’t be considered if your application is incomplete.
(3) Meeting the minimum grade requirement listed in scholarship regulation is one of the requirements to be eligible to apply for the scholarship. However, it doesn’t mean that you are guaranteed to get a scholarship award. All scholarship award allocation is subject to the annual budget condition, the number of applicants and so on. All qualified applications will be reviewed by the committees of departments /colleges/ the university. OIA has no right to change the award.
(4) Match-funding Policy for Graduate Program Students.
Match-funding from the research advisor, department/institute, or college is compulsory for the post-graduate student scholarship award. This policy applies to the current student award applications in principle.
(5) The requirement for Chinese Courses for NYCU scholarship recipients
NYCU scholarship applicants and recipients need to take Chinese courses (see scholarship regulation Article 5 Item 2).
Exemption for Chinese courses:
i. Students who have taken Chinese language courses before enrolling at NYCU.
Please submit your Chinese Language certificate (TOCFL) or other official documents for exemption.
ii. The pass certificate of the placement at NCYU Chinese Language Center.
iii. Some departments may require more Chinese courses for graduation requirements. Please check the graduation requirements carefully for your department.
*If you contact us by email, please include your student ID number in the Email subject line, and your full name in the email content.
日期 15/01/2025 | 1132 課程助教開始申請 | (1) 申請表下載: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XXa4BEkvI... |
日期 15/01/2025
1132 課程助教開始申請
(1) 申請表下載: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1XXa4BEkvI6p_oot0z499hHTWvCk5dZbZ
日期 13/01/2025 | 114學年度碩士班甄試第六梯次備取通知 (114.1.13公告) | (1)請參閱附件: 114碩甄-第6梯次備取(114.1.13通知)(2)報到相關表格請於系網站下載專區下載:https... |
日期 13/01/2025
114學年度碩士班甄試第六梯次備取通知 (114.1.13公告)
(1)請參閱附件: 114碩甄-第6梯次備取(114.1.13通知)
日期 07/01/2025 | [課程資訊-工程與社會的系統方法]2/25-4/3美國科羅拉多大學博爾德分校土木工程學系特聘教授Bernard Amadei來本校授課 | 工程與社會的系統方法: 透過本校華仁全球講座國際教授卓越教學計畫,邀請到美國科羅拉多大學博爾德分校土木工程學系特聘教授B... |
日期 07/01/2025
[課程資訊-工程與社會的系統方法]2/25-4/3美國科羅拉多大學博爾德分校土木工程學系特聘教授Bernard Amadei來本校授課
工程與社會的系統方法: 透過本校華仁全球講座國際教授卓越教學計畫,邀請到美國科羅拉多大學博爾德分校土木工程學系特聘教授Bernard Amadei來本校授課。本課程將介紹21世紀工程師面臨的全球環境,並教授系統動力學和其他決策工具的應用,以分析項目中的不確定性和複雜性。快來加入我們,與國際的頂尖教授一起探索工程學的永續新視野吧!
日期 07/01/2025 | 114學年度碩士班甄試第五梯次備取通知 (114.1.7公告) | (1)請參閱附件: 114碩甄-第5梯次備取(114.1.7通知)(2)報到相關表格請於系網站下載專區下載:https:... |
日期 07/01/2025
114學年度碩士班甄試第五梯次備取通知 (114.1.7公告)
(1)請參閱附件: 114碩甄-第5梯次備取(114.1.7通知)
日期 02/01/2025 | 國科會114年度「大專學生研究計畫」開始接受申請(系內至114.2.17止) | 一、依國科會113年12月25日科會綜字第1130088064號函辦理。 二、請申請人先行上網註冊,將歷年成績證明正本掃... |
日期 02/01/2025
四、計畫申請相關文件請至國科會網頁/學術研究/補助獎勵辦法及表格/補助專題研究計畫/大專學生研究計畫項下查詢下載,其他注意事項請詳參來文及作業要點說明,或請至國科會網頁「動態資訊」項下「計畫徵求專區」查詢下載(網址: https://www.nstc.gov.tw/ )。
日期 31/12/2024 | 114學年度碩士班甄試第四梯次備取通知 (113.12.31公告) | (1)請參閱附件: 114碩甄-第4梯次備取(113.12.31通知)(2)報到相關表格請於系網站下載專區下載:http... |
日期 31/12/2024
114學年度碩士班甄試第四梯次備取通知 (113.12.31公告)
(1)請參閱附件: 114碩甄-第4梯次備取(113.12.31通知)
日期 30/12/2024 | 2025總統教育獎申請公告,有意申請者請於114年1月2日(星期四)17:00前將申請資料送系辦審核。 | 請參閱附件:1.來文頁面檔2.實施計畫 |
日期 25/12/2024 | 114學年度碩士班甄試第三梯次備取通知 (113.12.25公告) | (1)請參閱附件: 114碩甄-第3梯次備取(113.12.25通知)(2)報到相關表格請於系網站下載專區下載:http... |
日期 25/12/2024
114學年度碩士班甄試第三梯次備取通知 (113.12.25公告)
(1)請參閱附件: 114碩甄-第3梯次備取(113.12.25通知)