
國立陽明交通大學 材料科學與工程學系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, NYCU

【獎補助公告】113年度第1梯次「學生優良研究成果獎勵」即日起至113年10月7日(一)中午12:00前受理申請,逾期不受理。 The applications for “Incentives for Students’ Excellent Research Results for the Year 2024” will be accepted from now until October 7, 2024 (Monday).







      1. 填寫申請表並檢附佐證資料:
      2. 提交所屬系所、學院完成資格初審
      3. 學院彙整申請案件送至研發處校區業務窗口:



1.   獲學術與專業性競賽獎項申請表。(附件2:A表)

2.   貢獻度聲明書。(附件3:團隊參賽者適用)

3.   獲獎證明。

4.   競賽辦法,或足資證明競賽名稱、時間地點、評比方式等資訊文件。


1.   獲會議論文獎項申請表。(附件2:B表)

2.   獲獎證明。

3.   會議議程、論文被接受函,或足資證明會議名稱、時間地點與論文發表等資訊文件。

* 各學院 113 年 度 頂 尖 與 重 要 國 際 會 議 清 單 , 請 見 研 發 處 網 站 :



1.   學生「優良期刊論文」申請表。(附件2:C表)

2.   論文全文。(已發表者適用;另得以WOS資料庫檢索畫面取代,詳附件4)

3.   論文被接受函全文。(被接受尚未出版者適用)

4.   於JCR資料庫檢索期刊Rank Factor畫面。(附件5)

二、本113年度第1梯次「學生優良研究成果獎勵」申請資料,敬於受理截止日113年10月7日(一)中午12:00前紙本送交材料系辦(許小姐,分機55801, 電子檔寄betty0422 @nycu.edu.tw)辦理

the applications for “Incentives for Students’ Excellent Research Results for the Year 2024” will be accepted from now until October  7, 2024 (Monday). Please note and inform accordingly.

For those who are interested in applying, please review the award guidelines and application instructions provided in the attached documents. Submit your application within the deadlines specified by your respective departments and colleges. Late submissions will NOT be accepted.

(1) Acceptance Period for Research Achievement Submissions: Year2024 (January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024)

(2) Eligibility for Application: Please follow the provisions outlined in Points Three, Four, and Five of the “Guidelines on Incentives for Students’ Excellent Research Results” (Attachment 1-2)

(3) Application Process:

  • Complete the application form and attach supporting documents:

Applicants (students) should fill out the “Application Form for Incentives for Students’ Excellent Research Results for the Year 2024” (Attachment 2) and obtain handwritten signatures (electronic signatures are also acceptable) from both the “Applicant” and the “Supervising Professor.” Attach relevant supporting documents and submit them to your department or college for initial qualification review.

  • Submit to the department or college for qualification review:

Please request assistance from the “Department Coordinator” to confirm that the student’s submitted research achievements were indeed accomplished “under the name of the university during the academic period” or as “authors of journal papers submitted and accepted or published in the year 2024.”

  • Compile applications within the college and send them to the Research and Development Office:

Kindly request assistance from the “College Coordinator” to gather hard copies of application documents (including all electronic files) that have undergone qualification verification within the college. Batch send them to the Research and Development Office for the processing of review.

(4) Required Application Documents: Applicants (students) are kindly requested to submit both hard copies and electronic files of the following application documents to their respective departments and colleges for processing.

International/domestic professional competition awards:

  1. Application Form(Attachment 2-【A】)
  2. Contribution statement(Attachment 3- Applicable for team participants in group competitions)
  3. Certificate of merit
  4. Competition regulations or documentation providing sufficient evidence of competition name, date, location, evaluation method, and related information.

Win Paper Award at an international conference:

  1. Application Form(Attachment 2-【B】)
  2. Certificate of merit
  3. Conference agenda, acceptance letter for the paper, or documentation providing sufficient evidence of conference name, date, location, and paper presentation.

*The list of top and significant international conferences for the year 2024 in each college is available on the Research and Development Office website:


Publish papers in outstanding journals:

  1. Application Form(Attachment 2-【C】)
  2. Full paper (applicable to those already published; alternatively, a screen capture from the WOS database may be used as a substitute, see Attachment 4 for details).
  3. Acceptance letter for the paper (applicable to those accepted but not yet published).
  4. Journal Rank Factor screen capture from the JCR database (Attachment 5).

For the first round of the ” Incentives for Students’ Excellent Research Results” in the  year 2024, please kindly submit the application materials to the R&D Office by the application deadline, which is October 7, 2024 (Monday). Please refer to the following information for details.


【附件1-2】 國立陽明交通大學學生優良研究成果獎勵要點 

【附件2】 申請表 (中文版) 

【Attachment 2】 Applications (English_version) 

【附件3】 團隊成員資訊及貢獻度聲明書 

【附件4】 WOS資料庫論文檢索流程及佐證範本 

【附件5】 JCR資料庫期刊IF值與RF值檢索流程及佐證範本 
