三、欲申請者請於114年1月10日前於國科會線上系統提出申請,經系所/中心審核後備妥函(稿),會辦計畫業務一/二組、 註冊一/二組(確認申請人是否為在學學生並於申請名冊之人事主管欄位用印) ,研發處審核後函送國科會辦理申請。
Call for 2025 Taiwan-Germany Summer Institute Program,end by 10, Jan, 2025
The plan offers an opportunity for young students from both sides to participate in summer research programs at each other’s universities or research institutions. For our participants going to Germany, they must be graduate or doctoral students in non-humanities and social science fields who are currently enrolled in their academic programs, and they must be able to participate in the research program in Germany during the summer of 2025 (from July to September).