日期 02/01/2025 | 國科會114年度「大專學生研究計畫」開始接受申請(系內至114.2.17止) | 一、依國科會113年12月25日科會綜字第1130088064號函辦理。 二、請申請人先行上網註冊,將歷年成績證明正本掃... |
日期 02/01/2025
四、計畫申請相關文件請至國科會網頁/學術研究/補助獎勵辦法及表格/補助專題研究計畫/大專學生研究計畫項下查詢下載,其他注意事項請詳參來文及作業要點說明,或請至國科會網頁「動態資訊」項下「計畫徵求專區」查詢下載(網址: https://www.nstc.gov.tw/ )。
日期 31/12/2024 | 114學年度碩士班甄試第四梯次備取通知 (113.12.31公告) | (1)請參閱附件: 114碩甄-第4梯次備取(113.12.31通知)(2)報到相關表格請於系網站下載專區下載:http... |
日期 31/12/2024
114學年度碩士班甄試第四梯次備取通知 (113.12.31公告)
(1)請參閱附件: 114碩甄-第4梯次備取(113.12.31通知)
日期 30/12/2024 | 2025總統教育獎申請公告,有意申請者請於114年1月2日(星期四)17:00前將申請資料送系辦審核。 | 請參閱附件:1.來文頁面檔2.實施計畫 |
日期 25/12/2024 | 114學年度碩士班甄試第三梯次備取通知 (113.12.25公告) | (1)請參閱附件: 114碩甄-第3梯次備取(113.12.25通知)(2)報到相關表格請於系網站下載專區下載:http... |
日期 25/12/2024
114學年度碩士班甄試第三梯次備取通知 (113.12.25公告)
(1)請參閱附件: 114碩甄-第3梯次備取(113.12.25通知)
日期 25/12/2024 | VIS世界先進【2025年研發替代役】火熱招募中! | 同學們久等了~VIS世界先進【2025年研發替代役】火熱熱招募中🔥🔥!!!歡迎對半導體有興趣的同學們,一同加入世界先進,... |
日期 25/12/2024
職務方向 | 職缺類別 | 工作地點 |
品質工程 | 產品可靠度/製程品質 | 新竹 |
製造工程 | 設備/製程/整合/生產線/品質精進 | 新竹/桃園 |
廠務工程 | 水處理/ 氣化/電機空調/電力設施 | 新竹/桃園 |
風險環安 | 工安環保/緊急應變 | 新竹 |
研究發展 | 技術研發/元件模擬/IC設計/產品工程 | 新竹 |
智慧製造 | AI大數據/系統開發/系統整合 | 新竹/桃園 |
產能規劃 | 工業工程/生產客服 | 新竹 |
軟體開發 | IT | 新竹/桃園 |
VIS / Human Resources
Tel: 886-3-5770355 ext:1321
Fax: 886-3-5789851
日期 24/12/2024 | 電子所洪瑞華教授邀請韓國高麗大學成泰連教授(Prof. Tae-Yeon Seong)至本校進行短期訪問,期間Prof. Seong將開設4堂課程「METAL-SEMICONDUCTOR INTERFACES: CONCEPTS, MEASUREMENTS, PHENOMENOLOGY」,課程內容豐富,且可與大師進行交流,歡迎踴躍參加。 | ※日期 : 2024-12-26(四)、 2024-12-30(一)、2025-01-02(四) 、 2025-01-0... |
日期 24/12/2024
電子所洪瑞華教授邀請韓國高麗大學成泰連教授(Prof. Tae-Yeon Seong)至本校進行短期訪問,期間Prof. Seong將開設4堂課程「METAL-SEMICONDUCTOR INTERFACES: CONCEPTS, MEASUREMENTS, PHENOMENOLOGY」,課程內容豐富,且可與大師進行交流,歡迎踴躍參加。
※日期 : 2024-12-26(四)、 2024-12-30(一)、2025-01-02(四) 、 2025-01-03(五)
※時間 : 上午9:00~10:30
※ 地點 : (光復校區)工程四館 108室
日期 20/12/2024 | UIUC-NYCU MSE (3+2) 2025 Fall semester 延長申請至12/27(五)! | UIUC-NYCU MSE (3+2) 2025 Fall semester 延長申請至12/27(五)! 申請應繳資料... |
日期 20/12/2024
UIUC-NYCU MSE (3+2) 2025 Fall semester 延長申請至12/27(五)!
UIUC-NYCU MSE (3+2) 2025 Fall semester 延長申請至12/27(五)!
1. 封面
2. 中文成績單 (需含歷年成績排名)
3. TOEFL 或 IELTS 成績 (兩年內)
4. 申請動機 (格式不拘)
5. 修課計畫 (目前已完成幾學分?大三下會修完哪些課?哪些課程會到UIUC修?) (格式不拘)
附件: 封面(空白)
The Grainger College of Engineering | Department of Materials Science and EngineeringThrough the 3+2 educational program established between the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign and NYCU, you have access to a simplified pathway to a master's degree from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at The Grainger College of Engineering, one of the top-ranked materials engineering programs in the United States.
Students admitted to this 3+2 program spend 3 years at NYCU before coming to Illinois. Over the course of 2 years, you'll take courses that complete your undergraduate degree from NYCU and your master's degree at Illinois.
Consult your current undergraduate department to see if they recommend you for this program before applying online through the Illinois Graduate College. Further information about the master’s program and application process can be found on our department website. Please be sure to select “3+2 MS program” in the program option section of your application.
Pathway to Success
Gain knowledge and experience that pave the way toward
•Desirable careers in industry.
•Prestigious Ph.D. programs.
•A network of 5,600+ alumni worldwide.
Degree Highlights
•Flexibility in our curruculum enables students from other science or engineering disciplines to find success in our department.
•8-10 classes of your choice, plus department colloquium and seminar courses, make up the required 36 hours of coursework.
•Complete your bachelor's andmaster's degree in just 2 years, getting you on the road to success faster.
Plus, tailor your courses to your unique goals. Examples of tracks previous students have built include
•Materials Characterization
•Data-Driven Materials Science
•Energy & Sustainability
•Metals, Polymers and/or Soft Materials
See full course guide.
Research Opportunities
Whether for a class or independent study, our students enjoy access to our many world-class, interdisciplinary research centers, including the Materials Research Laboratory, home to research groups from materials science, condensed matter physics and materials chemistry; Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology, home to collaborative efforts on molecular engineering, bioimaging and autonomous strategies in materials research; and Holonyak Micro & Nanotechnology Lab, home to semiconductor research and training.
Questions? Email matse-grad@illinois.edu
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
The Grainger College of Engineering
201 Materials Science and Engineering Building
217-333-1441 | matse@illinois.edu
日期 19/12/2024 | 國立陽明交通大學材料科學與工程學系誠徵專案研究員一名 | 有意應徵者,請參閱附件:國立陽明交通大學材料科學與工程學系誠徵專案研究員一名 |
日期 19/12/2024
日期 18/12/2024 | 114學年度碩士班甄試第二梯次備取通知 (113.12.18公告) | (1)請參閱附件: 114碩甄-第2梯次備取(113.12.18通知)(2)報到相關表格請於系網站下載專區下載:http... |
日期 18/12/2024
114學年度碩士班甄試第二梯次備取通知 (113.12.18公告)
(1)請參閱附件: 114碩甄-第2梯次備取(113.12.18通知)
日期 11/12/2024 | 114學年度碩士班甄試第一梯次備取通知 (113.12.11公告) | (1)請參閱附件: 114碩甄-第1梯次備取(113.12.11通知)(2)報到相關表格請於系網站下載專區下載:http... |
日期 11/12/2024
114學年度碩士班甄試第一梯次備取通知 (113.12.11公告)
(1)請參閱附件: 114碩甄-第1梯次備取(113.12.11通知)
日期 09/12/2024 | 114學年度材料科學與工程學系碩士班考試入學『考生資料表』填報說明 | 完成學校的114碩士班考試入學報名系統後,請填寫考生資料表。 (1)連結如下: (甲組) https://fo... |
日期 09/12/2024
(甲組) https://forms.gle/1Gzv41zdeTkBHwCp9
(乙組) https://forms.gle/3x8VHvTbqS4hvNtu9
日期 06/12/2024 | 113 材料所碩士畢業服申請借用作業通知 | 請參閱附件:113 材料所碩士畢業服申請借用作業通知 |
日期 06/12/2024
113 材料所碩士畢業服申請借用作業通知
日期 03/12/2024 | 「博士生研究獎學金試辦方案」113年國科會甄選類缺額,自113年12月1日起至114年1月10日中午12時止開放申請 | 對象:113學年度未獲國科會或教育部獎學金之博一生請未獲得國科會或教育部博士生獎學金的博一新生去申請近期公告的『113年... |
日期 03/12/2024
Please encourage first-year doctoral students who have not received a scholarship from the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) or the Ministry of Education (MOE) to apply for the recently announced NSTC Graduate Research Fellowship Pilot Program -- NSTC Selection. They should submit their application records to the college. If the scholarship is not awarded, these records can serve as a reference for next year’s MOE Doctoral Scholarship selection process.
113年國科會博士生獎學金-甄選類缺額 網站連結: NSTC-計畫徵求專區-國家科學及技術委員會「113年博士生研究獎學金試辦方案-國科會甄選類」缺額公告徵件,受理期間自113年12月1日起至114年1月10日中午12時止
2024 NSTC Graduate Research Fellowship Pilot Program-- NSTC Selection(FAQ)
2024 NSTC Graduate Research Fellowship Pilot Program-- NSTC Selection
日期 28/11/2024 | 113學年度第一學期提前畢業申請日期至113年12月31日(二)截止 | 113學年度第一學期大四提前畢業申請截止日:113年12月31日(二) 擬申請提前畢業者請至本校註冊組網頁畢業相關→列印... |
日期 28/11/2024
113學年度第一學期大四提前畢業申請截止日:113年12月31日(二) 擬申請提前畢業者請至本校註冊組網頁畢業相關→列印『學士班提前畢業申請表』及附上自我檢核表完成辦理程序
日期 28/11/2024 | 12/3(二) 12:10-13:10巴拉圭文化交流分享會 International Day Event at the College of Engineering, NYCU | 12/3(二) 12:10-13:10 巴拉圭文化交流分享會為了促進校園多元文化交流,認識不同文化背景的同學們,很高興本... |
日期 28/11/2024
12/3(二) 12:10-13:10巴拉圭文化交流分享會 International Day Event at the College of Engineering, NYCU
12/3(二) 12:10-13:10 巴拉圭文化交流分享會
報名網址:[QR code]
International Day: College of Engineering NYCU
- Date: December 3rd, 2024
- Time: 12:10 PM – 1:10 PM
- Location: Engineering Building 5, Room 322B
Activity Schedule | Content |
12:10 PM – 12:15 PM | Welcome & Introduction |
12:15 PM – 12:25 PM | Lunch and & Networking Enjoy lunch while meeting fellow international students. An informal time to connect with others, discuss cultural experiences, and share stories. |
12:25 PM – 12:45 PM | Cultural Sharing – Q&A Session Brief presentations by senior international students sharing highlights of their home cultures and experiences in Taiwan. Open floor for students to ask questions about cultural adjustments, university life, or any other topics they would like to discuss. |
12:45 PM – 1:05 PM | Interactive Games and Networking Ice-breaker activities and group games to help foster connections between students. |
1:05 PM – 1:10 PM | Closing Remarks Final words and encouragement for students to continue engaging in cultural exchange. |
Dear All,
The College of Engineering warmly invties you to International Day on December 3rd, 2024, from 12:10PM to 1:00PM at Engineering Building 5 Room 322B.
Join us for lunch and a cultural exchange! This event is open to all students in the College of Engineering and aims to foster cultural exchange and create a welcoming space for students to ask any questions related to culture or university life. Senior international students will be leading discussions, sharing their experiences, and answering questions about university life.
International Day: College of Engineering NYCU
- Date: December 3rd, 2024
- Time: 12:10 PM – 1:10 PM
- Location: Engineering Building 5, Room 322B
Activity Schedule | Content |
12:10 PM – 12:15 PM | Welcome & Introduction |
12:15 PM – 12:25 PM | Lunch and & Networking Enjoy lunch while meeting fellow international students. An informal time to connect with others, discuss cultural experiences, and share stories. |
12:25 PM – 12:45 PM | Cultural Sharing – Q&A Session Brief presentations by senior international students sharing highlights of their home cultures and experiences in Taiwan. Open floor for students to ask questions about cultural adjustments, university life, or any other topics they would like to discuss. |
12:45 PM – 1:05 PM | Interactive Games and Networking Ice-breaker activities and group games to help foster connections between students. |
1:05 PM – 1:10 PM | Closing Remarks Final words and encouragement for students to continue engaging in cultural exchange. |
Please register using the link below or scan the QR code in the attached flyer:
[Registration Link] [QR code]
We look forward to seeing you there!
International Day - College of Engineering NYCU