
國立陽明交通大學 材料科學與工程學系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, NYCU




Please encourage first-year doctoral students who have not received a scholarship from the National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) or the Ministry of Education (MOE) to apply for the recently announced NSTC Graduate Research Fellowship Pilot Program — NSTC Selection. They should submit their application records to the college. If the scholarship is not awarded, these records can serve as a reference for next year’s MOE Doctoral Scholarship selection process.

113年國科會博士生獎學金甄選類缺額 網站連結NSTC-計畫徵求專區-國家科學及技術委員會「113年博士生研究獎學金試辦方案-國科會甄選類」缺額公告徵件,受理期間自113年12月1日起至114年1月10日中午12時止



113年國科會博士生獎學金-甄選類缺額 申請須知

113年國科會博士生獎學金-甄選類缺額 申請須知懶人包

113年國科會博士生獎學金-甄選類缺額 國科會公文

2024 NSTC Graduate Research Fellowship Pilot Program– NSTC Selection(FAQ)

2024 NSTC Graduate Research Fellowship Pilot Program– NSTC Selection