
國立陽明交通大學 材料科學與工程學系
Department of Materials Science and Engineering, NYCU

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University

Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Department of Materials Science
and Engineering



Outstanding Faculty

The faculty members of the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at National Chiao Tung University are specialized in various scientific fields. They have received comprehensive and rigorous education and training, having graduated from prestigious institutions both domestically and internationally. In today's rapidly evolving scientific landscape and ever-changing industrial trends, our faculty is well-equipped to provide students with forward-thinking perspectives and broad, insightful scientific knowledge.


Cutting-Edge Research Facilities and World-Class Departmental Buildings

The Department of Materials Science and Engineering at NYCU possesses a wealth of valuable analytical and processing equipment, with over a hundred specialized instruments. The world-class materials science building, completed in 2005, provides students with extensive learning and application spaces, ensuring a successful educational journey.


Favorite Among High-Tech Industries

According to reports by CommonWealth Magazine, among the executives at the Hsinchu Science Park, including board chairs and general managers, 63.5% are alumni of National Chiao Tung University. Additionally, Chiao Tung University alumni account for approximately 80% of the publicly listed companies founded by Chinese Americans in Silicon Valley.


Outstanding Research Excellence

According to a report by the National Science Council, the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at National Chiao Tung University has ranked first nationwide in the impact factor of publications in international journals (SCI papers) over the past three years. This reflects that the quality of our department's published papers is the highest among all materials science departments in the country.


Close Integration with Academic Institutions

The Department of Materials Science and Engineering at NYCU has a close collaboration with the Advanced Materials Research Center at Chiao Tung University. Whether in the field of materials research or in interdisciplinary integration, the department consistently remains at the forefront compared to other institutions.



國立陽明交通大學材料科學與工程學系誠徵助理教授以上之專任教師有意應徵者,請參閱附件:國立陽明交通大學材料系徵聘教師公告114.32025_NYCU_MSE_Position ope...
114學年度碩士班考試入學招生 遞補通知單(第三梯次)114.3.28公告請參閱附件說明:114碩筆-第3梯次備取(114.3.28通知)公告  
114學年度碩士班考試入學招生 遞補通知單(第二梯次)114.3.24公告請參閱附件:114碩筆-第2梯次備取(114.3.24通知)公告
The application deadline for the 2025 Chu Shun-Yi Hwa Chin Academic Excellence Scholarship has been extended to Monday, March 24, at 4:00 PMThe application deadline for the 2025 academic year "Chu Shun-Yi Hwa Chin Academic Excellence Scholarship" has been extended to Monday, March 24, at 4:00 PM. To ensure fairness, late submissions will not be accepted. 1.This scholarship...

Honors and Awards:



恭喜材料所博士班 李康平 同學榮獲多項榮譽

恭喜材料所博士班 李康平 同學榮獲 多項榮譽

恭喜材料所博士班 林懷恩 同學榮獲多項獎項

恭喜材料所博士班 林懷恩 同學榮獲多項獎項

恭賀 中華扶輪教育基金會研究生獎學金 陽明交大材料系全國最多研究生得主! 本年度博士生18萬 碩士生13.5萬

恭賀 中華扶輪教育基金會研究生獎學金 陽明交大材料系全國最多研究生得主! 本年度博士生18萬 碩士生13.5萬


Congratulations to Professor Wen-Wei Wu from our department for receiving the "Outstanding Engineering Professor" award from the Chinese Institute of Engineers for the 113th year.

賀黃琳芸同學榮獲國際材料頂尖會議MRS  最佳海報論文獎(Best Poster Award)

Congratulations to Lin-Yun Huang for winning the Best Poster Award at the prestigious MRS international materials conference.

恭喜韋光華教授  榮獲第67屆教育部學術獎!

Congratulations to Professor Kung-Hwa Wei for receiving the 67th Ministry of Education Academic Award!

恭喜韋光華教授  榮獲第67屆教育部學術獎!

Congratulations to Professor Kung-Hwa Wei for receiving the 67th Ministry of Education Academic Award!

恭喜張翼老師 榮獲第66屆教育部學術獎!!

Congratulations to Professor Edward Yi Chang for receiving the 66th Ministry of Education Academic Award!

恭喜陳智教授 獲第30屆東元獎!!

Congratulations to Professor Chih Chen for receiving the 30th Y. Z. Hsu Scientific Award!

狂賀本系張翼副校長 榮獲第二十七屆東元獎殊榮!!

Congratulations to Vice President Edward Yi Chang from our department for receiving the honor of the 27th Y. Z. Hsu Scientific Award!

狂賀張冀副校長執行之科技部價創計畫 獲得學術創業先鋒獎!!

Congratulations to Vice President Edward Yi Chang for leading the MOST Value Creation Project and receiving the Academic Entrepreneurship Pioneer Award!

恭喜以下團隊榮獲 2021材料年會海報論文獎!!

Congratulations to the following teams for winning the 2021 Materials Annual Conference Poster Award!

恭喜本系講座教授杜經寧院士 榮獲教育部玉山學者殊榮!!

Congratulations to our Distinguished Chair Professor Academician Jing-Ning Du for receiving the Ministry of Education Yushan Scholar honor!

恭喜本系博士班學生參加 2020台灣鍍膜科技協會年會獲獎!!

Congratulations to our Ph.D. students for receiving awards at the 2020 Taiwan Association for Coating Technology Annual Meeting!

恭賀交大材料榮獲 第十五屆國家新創獎―學研新創獎組

Congratulations to NCTU Materials for winning the 15th National Innovation Award – Academic Spin-off Award!

恭喜材料所博士班何品璇同學榮獲 The Best Student Award, 1st Place in ICPT 2023

Congratulations to Ph.D. student Pin-Hsuan Ho from the Institute of Materials Science for winning The Best Student Award, 1st Place at ICPT 2023!

恭喜吳文偉老師研究成果 獲期刊NANO LETTERS封面!!!

Congratulations to Professor Wen-Wei Wu for having his research featured on the cover of Nano Letters!

恭喜材料系蔡挹芬、艾米爾Amir Kjan 同學 榮獲110年度榮獲中技社科技獎學金!!

Congratulations to Yi-Fen Tsai and Amir Kjan from the Department of Materials Science for receiving the 2021 CTCI Foundation Science and Technology Scholarship!

恭賀材料系林利真、王莉婷、曹心譯同學 榮獲110年度粘銘獎助學金!!

Congratulations to Li-Chen Lin, Li-Ting Wang, and Hsin-Yi Tsao from the Department of Materials Science for receiving the 2021 Nien-Ming Scholarship!

恭喜材料系雙聯學程學生黃翊修(左) 獲UIUC碩士學位 並獲Cheers雜誌報導

Congratulations to Huang Yi-Hsiu (left), a dual-degree program student from the Department of Materials Science, for earning a master's degree from UIUC and being featured in Cheers magazine!

恭喜周常棣同學申請上多家美國名校 包含Northwestern(材料排名全美第二) 且榮獲全額獎學金!!!

Congratulations to Chang-Ti Chou for being admitted to several prestigious U.S. universities, including Northwestern University (ranked 2nd in materials science nationwide), and for receiving a full scholarship!

恭喜林欣杰教授 榮獲陽明交通大學研發處銀羽獎

Congratulations to Professor Hsin-Chieh Lin for receiving the Silver Feather Award from the Office of Research and Development at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University!

恭喜韋光華終身講座教授 榮獲110年度高分子會終身就獎!!

Congratulations to Lifetime Chair Professor Kung-Hwa Wei for receiving the 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award from the Polymer Society!

恭喜許家維同學申請上 MIT材料系博班並榮獲全額獎學金!!

Congratulations to Chia-Wei Hsu for being admitted to the Ph.D. program in the Department of Materials Science at MIT and receiving a full scholarship!

賀!陳三元教授在腫瘤免疫療法有創新突破 榮登世界頂尖期刊NatureNanotholoy 並獲各大媒體報導!!

Congratulations to Professor Sam-Yuan Chen for achieving a groundbreaking innovation in tumor immunotherapy, published in the prestigious journal *Nature Nanotechnology* and featured by major media outlets!

恭喜陳三元教授 榮獲第17屆國家新創獎 (學研新創-生技藥與精準醫療)

Congratulations to Professor Sam-Yuan Chen for receiving the 17th National Innovation Award (Academic Spin-off – Biotech and Precision Medicine)!

恭喜陳三元講座教授 榮獲教育部第65屆學術獎!!

Congratulations to Distinguished Chair Professor Sam-Yuan Chen for receiving the 65th Ministry of Education Academic Award!

恭喜陳智老師 二次榮獲國科會傑出研究獎!!

Congratulations to Professor Chih Chen for receiving the Outstanding Research Award from the National Science and Technology Council for the second time!

恭喜曾院介教授 榮獲英國高等教育學院資深會士

Congratulations to Professor Yuan-Chieh Tseng for being awarded Senior Fellowship by the Higher Education Academy (HEA) in the United Kingdom!

恭賀曾院介特聘教授 帶領團隊與工研院合作上ETtoday新聞!!

Congratulations to Distinguished Professor Yuan-Chieh Tseng for leading his team in collaboration with ITRI, which was featured on ETtoday News!

恭喜本所曾翊銘同學 申請到新加坡國立大學(NUS) 電子與計算機工程(ECE)Ph.D 四年全額獎學金!!!

Congratulations to Yi-Ming Tseng from our institute for being admitted to the Ph.D. program in Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) at the National University of Singapore (NUS) with a four-year full scholarship!

恭賀楊朝堯老師 榮獲潘文淵文教基金會2022考察研究獎助金!!

Congratulations to Professor Chao-Yao Yang for receiving the 2022 Research Grant from the Pan Wen Yuan Foundation!

恭賀材料系林翊銓、洪郁雯、黃柏翰同學 榮獲110年度台聚教育基金會獎學金!!

Congratulations to Yi-Chuan Lin, Yu-Wen Hung, and Po-Han Huang from the Department of Materials Science for receiving the 2021 Formosa Plastics Education Foundation Scholarship!

恭賀陳三元講座教授 榮獲中技社2021材料學術獎!!!

Congratulations to Distinguished Chair Professor Sam-Yuan Chen for receiving the 2021 Materials Science Award from the CTCI Foundation!

恭賀陳三元講座教授 榮獲材料學會最高榮譽 陸志鴻先生紀念獎!!

Congratulations to Distinguished Chair Professor Sam-Yuan Chen for receiving the highest honor from the Materials Society, the Mr. Lu Chi-Hung Memorial Award!

恭賀陳智主任 榮獲2021材料學會會士!!

Congratulations to Director Chih Chen for being named a 2021 Fellow of the Materials Society!

恭喜曾院介老師實驗室 數位-類比二向性之創新磁記憶體開發 取得重大成果!!

Congratulations to Professor Yuan-Chieh Tseng's laboratory for achieving significant results in the development of innovative bidirectional digital-analog magnetic memory!

Admissions Information





High School Student Section




How do I get to Engineering Building 6?

Route from the South Gate: Enter the campus from the South Gate, go straight until you reach a T-intersection, then turn left. Continue down the road, and Engineering Building 6 will be on the right. On the left side, there is a...

Where is the class location?

Engineering Building 6 (EF): The main courses are the advisor's office hours and Introduction to Materials. This building is the exclusive teaching building for...

How can I find the professor's office?

How to find the professor's office location: You can find the professor's office location through the school's...

How to apply for an access card for Engineering Building 6?

Please visit the Department of Materials Science website to download the...

Where is a good place to study?

The National Chiao Tung University Library offers various study spaces, including...

What is GPA?

What is GPA? GPA (Grade Point Average) is a system used to evaluate university students'...

How to apply for transcripts and enrollment certificates?

Students can choose from the following two methods to apply for academic records and transcripts based on...

What are the ways to relieve stress?

In life, everyone may encounter emotional distress. To help manage worries more effectively, here are...

What is a buddy system?

Every freshman can find a dedicated senior through the mentorship system. These mentors serve as...

Where is the ATM located on the Guangfu campus?

There are convenient ATMs located throughout the campus, allowing students to withdraw cash...

What sports facilities are available on the Guangfu campus?

The campus has multiple sports facilities, providing students with a wide range of...

How to pick up home delivery parcels and registered mail?

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University offers convenient parcel and registered mail pickup services for...

How to book a classroom in Engineering Building 6?

To facilitate faculty and students in booking classrooms in Engineering Building 6 at...

How to borrow equipment from the undergraduate laboratory on the fourth floor?

To ensure the proper use of laboratory and...

How to dispose of waste liquids in Engineering Building 6?

Waste liquid disposal process:Classification and collection...

Who should I contact about the network issues in the lab?

Network Issues Troubleshooting Guide for the Lab:Network problems may...

How to apply for dissertation defense?

You must complete the dissertation defense before graduation as a graduate student. The following is the preparation required for it.

How to Reserve the 優貝克 Hall?

Introduction to the 優貝克 Hall

How to Reserve a Library Study Room and Discussion Room

The NYCU Library offers research carrels and discussion rooms, providing comfortable spaces for students and faculty who need focused study or discussions. These spaces are managed through a self-service system.

How to apply to be a Course or Equipment Teaching Assistant?

Eligibility and Application Procedures for TA Positions **Eligibility:** Master's and PhD students in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering (PhD students in their 1st to 4th year are given priority for equipment TA positions). **Application Procedure for Equipment TA:** ...

How to Reserve a Classroom in Engineering Building 6

Engineering Building 6 offers multiple classrooms for teaching and activities, but a reservation must be made according to the regulations. The following provides a detailed explanation of the reservation process and essential guidelines to ensure a smooth application.

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