Chih-Ming Ho
Distinguished Chair Professor (Academician, Academia Sinica)
Contact Information:
e-mail: chihming@seas.ucla.edu
Personal Website
1996 ~ Present: Ben Rich-Lockheed Martin Chair Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, UCLA
1991 ~ Present: Professor, Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, UCLA
2006 ~ 2012: Director, Center for Cell Control
2002 ~ 2008: Director, Institute for Cell Mimetic Space Exploration (CMISE)
2001 ~ 2005: Vice Chancellor for Research
1993 ~ 1999: Director, Center for Micro Systems (CMS)
1976 ~ 1991: Assistant to Full Professor, Department of Aerospace Engineering, University of Southern California
Honors and Awards:
997: Member, U.S. National Academy of Engineering
Academician, Academia Sinica
Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering
Fellow, American Physical Society
Fellow, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Distinguished Alumnus, National Taiwan University
Honorary Member, Johns Hopkins University
Global Achievement Award, Johns Hopkins University
UCLA-Allied Signal Research Award