Career Opportunities After Graduation

In the high-tech industry, the materials field plays a crucial role in technological breakthroughs. The students nurtured by the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University are highly sought-after talents by major companies, and upon graduation, they can become industry engineers. In addition to becoming engineers, graduates of the materials science department also have various career paths available, such as becoming academic researchers or pursuing further studies abroad—both are options that offer the potential for success and achievement.
>The Role of Materials in the High-Tech Industry
Materials are present in various industries, such as the LED industry, solar energy industry, microelectronics packaging industry, and semiconductor industry. Taking the example of smartphone manufacturing, a smartphone incorporates the integration of heterogeneous materials, including semiconductors, metals, ceramics, and polymer materials.
>There are various career paths after graduation.
Additionally, one of the future options for graduates is to engage in academic research at national academic institutions such as ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute) or Academia Sinica.
>National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University Cultivates High-Tech Talent
According to a report by *CommonWealth Magazine*, 63.5% of the chairman and general manager-level positions in the Hsinchu Science Park are held by alumni of National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University. Additionally, about 80% of the publicly listed companies in Silicon Valley founded by Chinese entrepreneurs are led by alumni from the university.
In addition, National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University is at the forefront of technological research and development in the country, having cultivated many outstanding professionals in the tech industry. Most materials science students from the university continue their studies in graduate school after graduation. Upon entering the workforce, they often join TSMC, with those holding a Ph.D. receiving a higher starting salary at the company.