Cheng-Yu Wang
Associate Professor
Contact Information:
Office Phone: 03-5712121 ext. 55313
Office: 3rd Floor, Engineering Building 6, Room 358
Email: ChengYuWang@nycu.edu.tw
Laboratory Extension: 03-5712121 ext. 55344
Lab Website:https://chengyuwang7.wixsite.com/pmeal
2014: Ph.D., Department of Energy and Mineral Engineering (Major), Department of Chemical Engineering (Minor), The Pennsylvania State University, USA
2004: Master's Degree, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National Taiwan University
2002: Bachelor's Degree, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Taiwan University
2021年8月 2030 Cross-Generation Excellent Young Scholars project, MOST Hsinchu, Taiwan
2021年5月 Excellent Teaching Award, NYCU Hsinchu, Taiwan
2018年11月 Award of Invited Speaker, ALMA 2018, the Japan Institute of Light Metals (JILM) Tokyo, Japan
2018年9月 Excellent Tutor Award, NCTU Hsinchu, Taiwan
2017年12月 Award of Gratitude, IUMRS-ICA 2017 & 2017 MRS-T Annual Meeting, MRS Taiwan Taipei, Taiwan
Research Fields
Porous Materials
Surface Treatment
Gas Adsorption/Separation
Energy Materials