ABOUT US / 系所簡介
目前有多樣鐵鋁錳合金高爾夫球頭成品量產,並獲得2006-2007 日本年度最佳鐵桿大獎殊榮,在所有評比的項目均獲得滿分
1. 兼具強度和韌性
2. 流動性佳,量產良率大幅提升
3. 阻尼比高(制振能高),提升擊球控球性
4. 楊氏係數高(反彈位能大),提升擊球距離
5. 密度低 ,球頭設計更多樣性
6. 打擊聲音清脆,擊球手感佳
具有完整之三五族半導體元件製作設備 (CSD Lab)



60 nm Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3奈米線




*此研究結果發表於 Science 321, 1066 (2008).
The department places great emphasis on students' foreign language proficiency and encourages graduate students to participate in international conferences and present their research annually. These efforts have earned widespread recognition from both academia and industry, domestically and internationally. In recent years, students have visited and engaged in exchange programs with prestigious universities and prominent research centers abroad, such as the University of Washington, the University of California, and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. Their exceptional performance during these visits has been highly praised.

The Most Competent Faculty
交大材料系的教授們專精於各方科學領域,受過完整且扎實的教育訓練,皆畢業於國內外名校(如: 麻省、西北、加州、伊利諾、牛津、台、清、交、成…等)。此外,系上教授更榮獲國內等多項研究大獎(吳大猷、侯金堆、傑出研究獎…等)在科學脈動迅速及產業趨勢變化多端的現今社會中,本系教師一定能提供學子們更前瞻性的思維,更廣遠性的識見的科學知識。
Cutting-Edge Research in Advanced Technology
交大材料系發展重點 :
- 電子材料 (半導體材料、電子相關材料) 半導體(IC)材料製程及元件製作、電子構裝、電子元件。
- 光電材料 (平面顯示材料,如LCD、OLED等材料)液晶顯示器相關材料、發光二極體材料及光電通訊等材料。
- 能源材料 (功能多樣化之能源材料)太陽能源材料、有機及無機能源複合材料及元件。
- 生醫材料 (功能多樣化之生醫材料)藥物載體及釋放材料、生醫及化學感測材料及元件。
- 奈米材料 (功能多樣化之高科技材料)性質優異的高科技電子、光電奈米材料及元件。

The Nation's Only Materials Engineering Laboratory

State-of-the-Art Research Facilities
These include valuable analytical and processing equipment such as the Auger Electron Spectrometer, Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM), Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (STEM), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), and over a hundred other sophisticated instruments.

The Newest and Largest International-Class Department Building
The international-class Materials Science and Engineering building at National Chiao Tung University was completed in 2005. It provides students with ample space for learning and application, ensuring a smooth and successful academic journey.

Favorite Among High-Tech Industries
According to a report by CommonWealth Magazine, among the executives at the Hsinchu Science Park, including board chairpersons and general managers, 63.5% are alumni of National Chiao Tung University (NCTU). Additionally, approximately 80% of the publicly listed companies in Silicon Valley, founded by Chinese entrepreneurs, are led by NCTU alumni. According to a survey by Cheers Magazine, NCTU's College of Engineering graduates are highly sought after by companies. Graduates from the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, particularly those with master's and doctoral degrees, receive offers from an average of five or more companies actively pursuing them for employment.

Outstanding Research Excellence
According to a report by the National Science Council, the Department of Materials Science and Engineering at National Chiao Tung University has ranked first nationwide in the impact factor of publications in international journals (SCI papers) over the past three years. This reflects that the quality of our department's published papers is the highest among all materials science departments in the country.
Robust Global Competitiveness
在QS World University Rankings by Subject 2014 – Materials Science調查中,交大材料系勇奪台灣材料界第二殊榮。
Industry-Integrated Photolithography Laboratory

Close Integration with Academic Institutions
The Department of Materials Science and Engineering at NYCU has a close collaboration with the Advanced Materials Research Center at Chiao Tung University. Whether in the field of materials research or in interdisciplinary integration, the department consistently remains at the forefront compared to other institutions.

• 1989 材料所碩士班
• 1992 材料所博士班
• 1997 材料系大學部
• 2004 遷入工六館(五千多坪)
• 2010 奈米所併入
In 1987, the "Materials Science and Engineering Institute Preparation Committee" was established, with President Chang Jun-Yan and Professor Liu Zeng-Feng serving as the convener and deputy convener, respectively. In 1989, the Master's Program in Materials Science and Engineering was officially established, and in 1993, the Ph.D. program began enrolling students. In 1997, the Department of Materials Science and Engineering was approved by the Ministry of Education for establishment. Initially, faculty expansion was insufficient, but under the active efforts of Director Liu Zeng-Feng, 16 additional faculty positions were allocated to the department in 1998. In 2002, the Nano Technology Research Institute was founded, and in 2009, it merged with the Department of Materials Science and Engineering to form a single department with two institutes.
The research fields of the department encompass metals, ceramics, electronics, and polymer materials. In addition to studying the fundamental physical and chemical properties of materials, the department is engaged in the development of novel materials and processing technologies, as well as advanced applications in electronics, optoelectronics, nanotechnology, biomedical fields, energy, and computational simulations.
In 1997, the department officially submitted a proposal to the Ministry of Education for the construction of the Engineering Building 6. However, due to the aftermath of the 921 Earthquake, securing funding proved difficult. After multiple negotiations between Dean Liu Zeng-Feng and Director-General Huang Shi-Chang with the Ministry of Education, the project was approved with the highest rating in 1999. In 2005, the department relocated to the newly built Engineering Building 6, which was meticulously planned to provide comprehensive teaching and research resources. The department's facilities include classrooms equipped with complete audiovisual equipment, spacious undergraduate teaching laboratories, and a valuable instrument center. The Instrument Center houses over a hundred valuable analytical instruments and processing equipment, such as TEM, SEM/EDX, AES, XRD, FIB, and more. The equipment resources are among the best in the country, and the department continues to actively expand its facilities. All faculty members have their own independent laboratories, equipped with materials processing and property analysis tools across various fields, ensuring that students receive ample training and learning opportunities. The well-established research and learning environment is reflected in the faculty's outstanding research achievements. Over the past five years, the department has published nearly 400 SCI papers, all in top 20% journals within their respective fields, many of which have been widely cited. In 2006, each faculty member averaged 9.6 publications per year, setting a record for the highest quantity and quality among materials science departments in the country.

All full-time faculty members in the Department of Materials Science and Engineering hold Ph.D. degrees from prestigious universities both domestically and internationally, ensuring that they are well-equipped to teach the foundational subjects of the department with ease. The academic research fields of the faculty are diverse, covering high-tech materials such as electronics, optoelectronics, and nanomaterials. Additionally, the department’s research encompasses emerging areas such as biomedical materials, energy materials, and computational simulations. The department will continue to hire outstanding faculty members from various fields to achieve its goal of fostering interdisciplinary and diverse expertise.